
Our vision is to play our part in bringing life, through Jesus, to the people of the East of England. We depend on your generosity to make all we do possible.

  • The most efficient method of giving to East Church. You can give a one time gift or set up regular giving! You will be given the opportunity to Gift Aid.

    Give Now

  • All East Church locations give to the 'St Thomas Norwich' bank account (our legal name).

    Account Name: 
    St Thomas Norwich
    Sort Code: 
    Account Number: 
    Reference — Your full name followed by ‘giving’ e.g. ‘namegiving’.

  • This is a simple and easy way to give. You can give a one time gift or set up regular giving! You will be given the opportunity to Gift Aid.

    Give Now

  • Boost your donation by 25% through Gift Aid - please complete a Gift Aid Declaration.


  • If you have questions about giving please send us a message to:

    You can also give by cash or cheque at any of our gatherings. If you want to increase your regular standing order, the best way to do that is through your bank using our bank details. You can adjust digital giving via My Churchsuite.
